pillow lab @ princeton

neural coding & computation group

Model comparison for stepping and ramping spike train models - matlab code

description: Runs fitting and model comparison analyses for stepping/ramping models described in Latimer et al, Science 2015 and Zoltowski et al, Neuron 2019.

Takes in spike data observed over many trials, fits extended latent "stepping" and "ramping" (diffusion to bound) models to, and compares the model fits with the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) or Watanabe Information Criterion (WAIC).

download: StepRampMCMC-master.zip
clone: github page
more info: README.html

relevant publications:

- Latimer KL, Yates JL, Meister MLR, Huk AC, & Pillow JW (2015). "Single-trial spike trains in parietal cortex reveal discrete steps during decision-making" Science 349(6244): 184-187. [abs | link | SI ]

- Zoltowski D, Latimer KW, Yates JL, Huk AC, & Pillow JW (2019). "Discrete stepping and nonlinear ramping dynamics underlie spiking responses of LIP neurons during decision-making" Neuron 102(6):1249-1258. [abs | pdf | link | bibtex]

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