Sensation & Perception
(PSY 345 / NEU 325) Spring 2015
Princeton University |
instructor: Jonathan
Pillow (pillow AT princeton)
| AI: Gary Kane (gkane AT princeton)
| time: Tues/Thurs 10-10:50 am
location: McDonnell A01 |
office hours: Dr. Pillow: Tues 12-1pm (PNI 254),
and by appt. Gary: by appt. (and special hours during exam wk). |
syllabus: syllabus.pdf |
textbook: Sensation & Perception, 4th ed.
Wolfe, Kluender, et al. Sinauer 2014 |
companion website:
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Precept readings: readings
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brief description: This course will provide
an introduction to the scientific study of sensation and
perception. We will undertake a detailed study of the major senses
(vision, audition, touch, smell, taste), using insights and methods
from a variety of disciplines (philosophy, physics, computer
science, neuroscience, psychology). We will begin with a study of
the physical basis for perceptual information (e.g., light, sound
waves), and proceed to the biological, psychological,and computational processes by
which such information is converted to percepts in the brain.