README_gif.txt J Pillow. Oct 30, 2007 (version 1). DESCRIPTION OF THE CODE CONTAINED IN THE ARCHIVE: code_gif_v1.tgz Performs simulation and max-likelihood estimation of generalized integrate-and-fire model. INSTALLATION ============ (1) Unnpack the archive using a compression utility such as WinZip (or, from the command line in linux: 'tar -xvzf FILENAME.tgz'). (2) Launch matlab and cd into the directory containing the code (e.g. '/code_gif/'). (3) Run the initialization script 'initialize_mexcode' from the command line (this will compile the C files in the sub-directory 'mexcode' into mex using the default compiler settings). compiles the C files into mex). USE === Open the script 'testGIFcode.m'. This script contains code for generating the four figures shown in DemonstrationFigs.pdf (which contain additional captions). The script is divided into four blocks that illustrate: (a) Bases used to define filters; A default setting of model params (b) simulation of the model using a short stimulus. (c) graphical illustration of likelihood calculation for a single ISI, performed using Density Propogation (Fokker-Planck), and validated with Monte-Carlo sampling. (d) maximum likelihood estimation of GIF parameters from simulated data. Note: MLgif.m, the main function for performing ML estimation, requires the matlab optimization toolbox, since it makes a call to "fmincon". If you don't have this, the code can be altered to use "fminsearch", though this will run more slowly.